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Darpan travels all over France and the search for suitable locations for his seminars is often tedious and subject to many constraints :


  • Sharing the place with other groups sometimes noisy and not very respectful,

  • Be in a place "charged" with a particular movement (tantra, yoga, shamanis, etc.),

  • Being in a room that is too small or badly arranged,

  • Depend on the goodwill of the owners and their pricing policy,

  • Find places accessible by TGV and well located (nature)

  • No longer able to find a place, as bookings are often made 2-3 years in advance,

  • Be confined in unsuitable hotel structures (customer).


The idea of having a place that is not dependent on these constraints has been germinating for 2 years and is gaining ground. Over the years and in a spontaneous way, a team of participants has become friends with Darpan.  Like an archipelago of islands, all separate but part of a whole. In 2019, this group created a Simplified Joint Stock Company to manage the organisation of the seminars.


This team as well as other participants and friends are interested in finding and creating an ecological place where Darpan could give its seminars in the future. A place where everyone will have their own accommodation (size according to the contribution) and a room that can accommodate 100 people. A Real Estate Company will provide the appropriate legal form for this project.


This place will not have the vocation to lodge all the participants for whom guest houses and guest rooms are planned in the surroundings but will constitute the crucible for seminars and individual accompaniments. Darpan would also like to bequeath the recordings of all its seminars in the form of DVDs or other media easily accessible on the net.


If you are interested in contributing to this project through the search for a appropriate place, a financial contribution, a donation or through your know-how, you are invited to contact the dedicated address ICI

You should also know that Darpan is planning to make DVD recordings of his teachings by theme. This represents a big work of synthesis for which he has not yet found the time.

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